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1등 대사상​ :

- H. Robertoson
  Title: A Roadmap to Permanent Peace in The Korean Peninsula: A Three-Step Plan to Unite North, South Korea

- J.h. Kim 
  Title: The Benefits of Peace in the Korean Peninsula: A European Perspective


2등 평화상 :

- C.J. Moran
  Title: A Roadmap to permanent peace in the Korean Peninsula

- J. Yeung​
  Title: A roadmap to permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula


3등 화해상: 

- M. Sleight
  Title: Korean Unification, Socio-Economic Lessons from Germany

- H.J. Lee
  Title: The Role of the International Community for Permanent Peace on the Korean Peninsula after the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit

- H.C. Kang
   Title: Discuss a roadmap to permanent peace in the Korean Peninsula


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