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헤럴드 영국 연재 모음








재영한인의사협회(KUMA)는 지난달 에세이 경연 대회를 개최해 수상 작품을 선정했다. 앞서 재영한인의사협회와 의대생 협회(KUMAS)는 '제16회 영국 의치대 진학 설명회'를 개최했는데 이와 함께 의치대 진학을 희망하는 학생들을 대상으로 에세이 경연 대회를 연 것이다. 수상자는 강예은(Yea-Eun Kang Year 13) 학생으로 'KUMA 세미나에서 얻은 통찰력 있는 주요 교훈을 잘 담고 있다'는 평가를 받았다. 다음은 강예은 학생의 에세이.


What lessons have you taken away from today’s seminar?

An enlightening seminar by the Korean Medical Students' Association (KUMA) proved invaluable for me, a Year 13 student undergoing the seemingly overwhelming and lengthy medical application process. Tailored for Koreans in England, the seminar offered insights to guide me and others in the strenuous process of obtaining a medical licence in the UK. Medical professionals and students candidly shared their expertise, offering a comprehensive and unfiltered exploration of their respective knowledge. The discussion left a lasting impact on me, offering a raw and insightful amalgamation of lessons but also significantly altering my outlook and approach toward my application to medicine.


"Consistency is key" was a saying that stuck with me, initially being introduced by a medical student attending UCL while detailing a typical day for them at university. They emphasised the importance of steady learning and disciplined study habits, which extend beyond the classroom. Highlighting the demand for efficient time management within this degree. Therefore, excusing the technique of cramming, of which I am guilty, especially in times of being less organised. Cramming often leads to a lack of long-term retention, which is crucial in medicine where concepts build upon each other throughout the course. The practical application of this principle was further underlined in the career


journey of a skilled plastic surgeon. However, they stressed the realities of this both mentally and physically taxing job when addressing challenges like burnout and hitting a slump. This made me realise obtaining a medical license is not a straight-cut path and that there is no set list of steps you need to follow to gain one, whether that be through taking a gap year, apprenticeship, or a postgraduate course. Even after graduating, the career journey of every individual is unique to their own decisions and goals. Anyone at any time can say they want to become a doctor, but consistency and resilience separate the people who succeed from those who simply articulate a desire without commitment and perseverance.


Another takeaway from this seminar relating to my first point was a moral maxim regarding personal responsibility and accountability, "own your choices, face the consequences—do you, but be accountable." I'm sure many people can also agree that as well as facing peer pressure, parental pressure plays a significant role in influencing career paths. Parents worry out of love and therefore want the best for you, so aiming for a highly professional job like a doctor, dentist, lawyer, etc., is what they judge as the best for you. There are inherent flaws in that belief, but to say there is no truth in it would be a lie. This idea was supported by the personal experiences of the speakers. One moment that resonated with me was when a speaker said something along the lines of "Yes, you can slack off in school and not listen to your teachers, but you need to be able to be responsible and ready to accept the result of your actions." Recognising one's accountability plays a crucial role in a medical career, as honesty in interactions with both patients and colleagues forms the foundation for a strong doctor-patient relationship.


The final standout lesson I received was the value of reaching out and networking with people. Granted the chance to talk and listen to individuals who share similar values and goals allowed me to reinforce my communication and interpersonal skills. Via these conversations and interactions, I've become aware of the weight of mentorship; and mentors who can provide guidance, advice, and support. Mentorship is crucial in medicine for career development and facing the challenges within the healthcare profession.


This experience not only prompted a reassessment of my goals and habits but also provided opportunities for engaging with peers at the levels I aspire to reach. It was a profoundly thought-provoking seminar and it imparted lifelong lessons. I entered and emerged with widened perspectives, gaining a new outlook on my academic journey

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