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렌트 Newly fully furnished Double bed room

hherald 2013.11.18 19:24 조회 수 : 2667



Newly fully furnished

Mitcham, Double bed room with self-contained kitchen.

in Zone 3 - £ 700 per month, bathroom with shower, toilet, wash basin, fully furnished with double bed, wardrobe, Private parking space



Welcome: one professional or a student couple, located in a prime location, close to shopping centre. security locks, CCTV cameras in the property, fully fitted kitchen with oven, cooker, fridge/freezer, microwave 


Train:        Mitcham Eastfields station 5 minutes (walking distance) Victoria and Blackfriars 20 minutes (morning time table)


Bus:         270 Putney Bridge, 280 Sutton,

152 New Malden(1min bus stops)

Night bus 44 from Trafalgar Sq. to Mitcham


Tube:        Colliers Wood 15-20 minutes (walking distance)


Tel:          079 5696 2843

Email:       franwallerstein@outlook.com




