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헤럴드 영국 연재 모음

골프 1.jpg 골프 2.jpg 골프 3.jpg

supplied by Stuart Walker (PGA Professional at Epsom Golf Club)

Stuart has over 15 years experience in coaching, including 6 years at the RAC Golf & Country Club. From beginners to Professionals, Stuart works with golfers of all abilities to achieve their personal goals. 

If you would like help with any area in your game or to build a personalised coaching programme please call Stuart at on 01372741867 or email Stuartwalker@epsomgolfclub.co.uk


We play more shots from 100 yards and under than any other length of shot so good distance control with our wedges is paramount if we want to lower our scores. 

The clock face drill, gives us a simple idea to gauge accurate distance, the key is to imagine you are standing inside a clock face and apply three different lengths of swing, 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock and 10 o’clock as shown above. 
Simply choose the right club and length of swing and you’ll soon start knocking out the flag on those awkward short pitch shots. 
Remember to develop ‘feel’ for your distance control, constant practice is a must. 
Good luck.


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