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헤럴드 영국 연재 모음

겨울이 되면 집안의 곰팡이 문제 때문에 문제가 생길수 있습니다.  환기 문제 일수 도 있고 실제건물의 rising damp문제 일수도 있습니다. 우선적으로 주인에게 제습기를 요청 할수도 있습니다.  제습기를 써도 문제가 해결되지 않을 경우엔 property manager와 상담 하시길 바랍니다.
주인과 부동산에게 영문으로 편지를 쓰셔야 할 경우가 있는데 몇가지 견본 영문  편지를 소개해 드립니다.  

I am writing to inform to you about the current condition of the room.
Because we had an assumed that this room is going to be damp, we opened our windows for more than 3-5 hours per day since [MONTH]. But it was no use.
[NAME] uses this room and it’s not so cold winter yet but the molds are already growing and we are badly affected by this.
If we tell you our experience with the mould, we know a lot about them because we had lots of troubles with the mould in our previous house and we tried to avoid having the same trouble again so we tried everything we can to stop the mould growing.
One week ago we have found a mold growing badly behind the wardrobe and we had to do dry cleaning for all the clothes. Also the book shelves are affected by this, the school books that [someone] uses have become damp and mouldy and some are no longer recoverable. And one thing it surprised us is that mold is growing on the door. We have no idea how this can be happening.
As we see it, it’s not our fault that we did not take a good care but, I think there is some problem with this room because other rooms are not yet affected.
We have missed our chance of taking a photo of it because we cleaned already. We regret that we cannot show it to you.
Before it gets even colder, I would like you to take care of this situation quickly and contact the landlord as soon as possible.
I would like to strongly state once more that there is no fault in our management.
We can promise you that we have tried every way to prevent this since the early [MONTH].
Thank you for reading this.

만일 제습기가 필요하다고 생각이 드시면 아래와 같이 접근 하셔도 좋은 방법입니다.
My neighbour said she had same problems in their house but the problems had disappeard after they start to using a dehumidifier.
Also they could see so much water in the dehumidifier's filter after operating for some hours.
위의 글을 그대로 옮겨다 쓰지 마십시오.   자신의 상황에 맞지 않은데 copy 해서 쓰게 되면 오히려 부작용이 생길수 있습니다.   자신의 상황에 맞게 처음 부터 다시 쓰시길 바랍니다.

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KEYS Residential 부동산
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